Рефераты. Контроль у навчанні іноземної мови

i>II Level

Write question tags.

1. You aren't hungry, ____________________?

2. Mrs. Hill lives in London, ______________?

3. He's American, _______________________?

4. I'm not too early, ______________________?

5. Your sister can't play the piano, ___________?

III Level

Put the verbs in the correct form, referring them to the present, past or future.

1. They _______ a lot of in their Music lesson last Thursday, (to laugh).

2. She________us tomorrow, won't she (to leave).

3. You always ________ well (to count).

4. We__________a lot in our Music lesson yesterday (to sing).

5. They _________ much, as their work is difficult (to work).

IV Level

Compose and write a story about your school life.

School life



On Thursday the new boy came into the classroom. He didn't have any uniform on. Just trousers, a jacket and a shirt. Tom could see that the boy wasn't quite comfortable. He had a plastic bag with exercise -- books, pens, pencils, rulers and rubbers in it.

The boy's name was Peter Rivers. The teacher asked Peter to sit next to Tom at the desk near the window. When it was time to have lunch, Peter joined Tom and went to wash his hands. Then the boys sat down on the carpet and started to open their lunch bags. Tom opened his bag and put in his hand. He took out an old brown apple, some old cheese and some bits of fish from dinner. «Oh, no!» cried Tom. «This is garbage. I have the wrong bag. I took the garbage bag and left my lunch bag at home. I have only garbage for lunch today». All the children laughed and laughed. Then Peter said: «I have two eggs, why don't you have one?» Tom smiled, «Thanks. Now I'll always look in my lunch bag before I bring it tc school».

І Level

Complete the sentences.

1. The new boy didn't have any uniform on, just... .

2. He had a plastic bag with ... .

3. The teacher asked Peter to sit... .

4. Tom opened his bag and took out... .

5. I have only ...

II Level

Answer the question.

1. When did the new boy come to school?

2. What was his name?

3. Where did the teacher ask Peter to sit?

4. What did Tom take out of the bag?

5. Why did the children laugh?

6. What did Peter ask Tom to eat?

IІІ Level

Write a story in your native tongue.


Render the text in English and write who was a real friend.

School life

Listening Comprehension.


One Wednesday morning Finy Fox and Shiny Fox, the two little brothers, were walking to school. They walked slowly for 10 minutes, then Shiny said, «Be quick we shall be late for school! It is half past eight!» But Finy said, «I don't want to go to school today. We are already late. We can have so much fun in the forest. Our mother thinks we are at, so we can play in the forest. We can go home when we hear the boys coming home from school.» Shiny said this was a good idea. So the Foxes ran to the river. What a good time they had! They laughed a lot, they swam in the river, they danced with little bears and sang songs with the birds. They got on well with all the different animals who lived in the forest. The Foxes didn't at all think about their classroom, their desks, pens, pencils, their books and their lessons. Wednesday was their longest school day -- they had Maths, English, Handicraft, Art and Nature Study on their timetable. All the subjects were very important. But the foxes didn't want to write on the blackboard or in their exercise books. They didn't want to study, to learn to count ant to read. They didn't want to work. They wanted to play outdoors.

I Level

Complete the sentence.

1. Finy Fox and Shiny Fox were ...

2. They were walking to ... but...

3. They ran to ...

4. The Foxes ..., ..., ...,

5. They didn't think about...

6. They wanted to ...

II Level

Answer the question.

1. Where were Finy Fox and Shiny Fox walking?

2. Did they go there?

3. What did the Foxes do near the river?

4. What subjects did they have in their timetable?

5. What do think about these Foxes?

III Level

Tell the story in your native language.

IV Level

Write the story in English and tell if the Foxes were clever. Did you miss lessons (school)?

Святкування новосілля

My aunt has a new flat in Pushkin Street. It's a two-room flat in a new big house. The flat is on the second floor. There is a beautiful park behind the house.

The aunt bought new furniture: a large wardrobe, a sofa, two armchairs, six chairs, a bookcase and some other things.

The furniture in the living room and in the bedroom is dark. The furniture in the kitchen is light. A new big snow-white refrigerator stands in the kitchen. That and the yellow curtains over the window make the kitchen comfortable. Mother says that my aunt is lucky because there is a telephone in her new flat.

Last Sunday my (mother) aunt had a house -- warming. She got lots of presents: a big mirror and a vacuum cleaner. My grandparents gave her a washing machine as a present.

My aunt cooked a lot of tasty things for that day. I did whatever I could to help her: to lay (set) and to clear the table and to wash up.

We had a nice house-warming party.

We all had a lot of fun that day too. One of my aunt's friends, who liked to play jokes, brought a beautiful blue box and said: «This is my present to you. I'm sure you'll like it. Open it right now.» The aunt opened the box and ... a funny little red kitten jumped out of the box! We all laughed very much.

I don't know which present my aunt liked. But I do know which present I liked most of all -- it was the nice little, red, funny kitten.

I Level. Complete the sentences

1. The girl's aunt lives in... (two rooms, one room, three rooms flat).

2. The furniture in the living room... (light, black, dark).

3. Last Sunday the aunt had... (a birthday, a house-warming, New Year's party).

4. The aunt opened the box and a funny... (rabbit, mouse, kitten) jumped out.

II Level. Answer the questions to the text

1. Where is the aunt's new flat?

2. How many rooms are there in the flat?

3. What new furniture did she buy?

4. What present did her aunt get?

5. Want present did the girl like most of all?

III Level.

Write the text in your mother tongue


Write about the aunt's house-warming party and say what present you would like to get


Одже, можна зробити такі висновки:

· Успіх в навчанні іноземної мови багато в чому залежить від того, в якому ступені якість знань учнів знаходиться у полі зору вчителя і яка увага надається профілактиці помилок. Як підтверджує багаторічний досвід, велику користь може принести перевірка знань відразу всіх учнів у формі невеликих за об'ємом контрольних завдань, тестами. Тести є не тільки «найекономнішою формою контролю» (Р.В. Рогова), але і об'єктивнішим показником ступеня засвоєння учнів мовного матеріалу, ніж дані поточної, індивідуальної перевірки.

· Систематичне тестування стимулює активність і увагу учнів на уроці, підвищує їх відповідальність при виконанні учбових завдань.

· Результати перевірки тестів аналізуються вчителем і служать для нього, з одного боку, показником рівня знань учнів, а з іншою - самооцінкою роботи, самого вчителя, що дозволяє йому внести необхідні корективи в процесс навчання і тим самим попередити повторення помилок учнів.

· Інтерес до тестування пояснюється тим, що воно значно підвищує ефективність навчального процесу, оптимально сприяє повній самостійності роботи кожного учня, є одним із засобів індивідуалізації в навчальному процесі. Крім того, тестовий контроль має багато переваг перед іншими видами контролю.

· Основна відміна тесту від, наприклад, традиційної контрольної роботи полягає в тому, що він завжди передбачає вимір. Тому оцінка, яка виставляється за підсумками тестування, є більш об'єктивною і незалежною від можливого суб'єктивізму вчителя, ніж оцінка за виконання традиційної контрольної роботи, яка завжди суб'єктивна, оскільки базується на враженнях вчителя, не завжди відокремлених від його особистих симпатій чи антипатій по відношенню до того чи іншого учня.

· Головна відмінна риса тесту - об'єктивність, яка гарантується вимірюванням, функція якого полягає в тому, щоб давати кількісну інформацію про якість засвоєння. При цьому, він надає вчителеві змогу перевірити значний об'єм вивченого матеріалу малими порціями та діагностувати оволодіння цим матеріалом більшої частини учнів. Але одним з недоліків тестового контролю сьогодні є те, що розроблені методики націлені на перевірку фактичних знань учнів і не враховують потенційних можливостей розвитку особистості, вони мають лише оцінювальний, а не прогнозуючий характер.

· Науково обгрунтоване й методично грамотно організоване тестування дозволить вчителю досягти настільки важливий зворотній зв'язок, який забезпечує управління навчальним процесом, і буде сприяти, таким чином, підвищенню ефективності вивчення іноземної мови.


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